Beautifying a Brompton



brammonique, Jun 2000:
I am an avid user of the brompton T3, and I like the looks of the bike's design (all black), but there is one thing I hate to look at. And that is the incredebly dull looking gray/silver mudguards . I like to replace them for some carbonfiber look black ones.
Is there anyone who knows where to get them?

Damaged Brompton sticker

Mark Maier, Aug 1998:
My Brompton sticker on the main frame was damaged severely so I took it off. Now the bike looks nice and "clean", but I started getting questions like "Is this a Brompton?" with a sceptic glance I interprete as "Is it stolen?" so I am thinking about putting it back on. Is there any scource for these stickers? If possible, I would prefer it smaller than the standard +/- 30 cm long one...

Paint job

National colours

Nico J. de Boer, Aug 1998:
It appeared that blue+black is a custom colour in the UK, while it is one of the "standard" colours in the Netherlands. The Dutch "special" red+black edition of my girlfriend happened to be a "standard" colour in the UK! [...] UK standard colours apparently are all black, and red+black, the Dutch are blue+black and red+white.

Frame numbers

The frame number is on the little platform linking the seat tube and the rear triangle hinge.
S.J.Canfer, May 2000:
BS6102 is the British Standard for cycles.